
“Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.”

― Isaac Asimov

The transition is always difficult, but it also makes everything worth while. Getting older and seeing our grandchildren going through the same challenges, but in a different context is something very unique. To see our living legacy in another is what makes everything going forward. Isn’t that the most important thing in life? Children. Everything has it’s time, who know’s how many weddings, events have passed, but I love to see the older generations on the special day. In the ever changing fast paced world of today it’s no wonder that when trying to find meaning we look to the transitions, for example, despite the ever increasing technology in modern cameras we strive for a slow-down and for things from the past like manual focusing to really see things and try to stay in the moments instead of just sprinting while point and shooting using a transition between modern and old. Instead of just going from A to B the real pleasure is the journey in between.

João de Medeiros

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