“I always try to teach by example and not force my ideas on a young musician. One of the reasons we’re here is to be a part of this process of exchange.”

– Dizzy Gillespie

That’s it, no tricks, no directions, just exchange. But patience is the key and the essential element to get it, while most might think I interfere with my surroundings is actually the opposite. You just have to practice your social skills because if you want to be a good documental photographer you have to know how to relate to your subjects. The reward is the very spontaneous act they in exchange give to you and you either take it or leave. I always take it, because I try to always be with them an expect to be surprise by they’re nature. It’s in these moments where I find they’re soul or something close to the true nature that I strive to reflect. It’s a body of work after all, not just a “pretty” picture like a cliché or postcard. I want to tell you how it was.

João de Medeiros

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