casamento casa de serralves

“I must admit that I am not a member of the ugly school. I have a great regard for certain notions of beauty even though to some it is an old fashioned idea. Some photographers think that by taking pictures of human misery, they are addressing a serious problem. I do not think that misery is more profound than happiness.”

– Saul Leiter

My passion for capturing the raw emotions and reactions of people at weddings is more than just a job; it’s a calling. The joy, the tears, the laughter, the nervous anticipation – every emotion is a story waiting to be told, and I am there to tell it. This was one of the main reasons behind my decision to specialize in wedding photography. I wanted to immerse myself in these human moments, to be a silent observer documenting the most intimate and joyous occasions in people’s lives.

The freedom to work around people, to move and interact with them without restrictions, is something I deeply value. I strive to work in the same way my references worked in society, unencumbered by the constraints and paranoia that often surround Photography and Photographers. My aim is to blend into the background, to become a part of the scenery so that people can be their authentic selves in front of my lens.

The wedding day itself is a whirlwind of perfect moments. From the early morning preparations to the late-night celebrations, every minute is a memory in the making. But what stands out to me the most is the vibrancy and color that permeate the entire day. In my country, with its rich and diverse culture, colors are everywhere. They’re in the traditional wedding attire, in the decorations, in the food, and even in the natural surroundings.

The powerful natural light during the day adds a magical quality to the photographs, casting long shadows and highlighting the colors in a way that no artificial light can. As the day turns into night, the atmosphere changes, but the vibrancy remains. The way we live the night is unique. Portuguese dinners usually start around 8-9pm, a time when the sky is painted with hues of orange and purple. The festivities continue into the night, with people venturing to a club or disco around midnight.

These late-night celebrations are a photographer’s dream. The dim lights, the music, the dancing – they all come together to create a sense of enchantment. It’s a challenge to capture these moments, to freeze the energy and movement in a still frame. But when done right, the result is a collection of photographs that not only document the event but also capture the essence of the celebration.

In the end, every photograph I take is more than just a picture. It’s a testament to the beauty of human connection, a snapshot of a moment that will never come again, and a reminder of the joy and love that weddings represent. And that, to me, is what makes every click of the shutter worth it.

João de Medeiros

Venue: Casa de Serralves

DJ: MusicBox

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